勵絃樂舍 Healing Music Club
四月, 2009
小狗出售記 “下集” 生命是無價

 小狗出售記  下集”  生命是無價   本故事下集創作自區成先生。

及後,小朋友便買下了這頭小狗 ; 並名牠為關愛"(即 - 關懷和愛護的意思),直至小朋友一路成長。由於狗與人的年歲比例相差很遠,同時關愛"亦因年幾大(到終)要離開世上,而少主人在送別牠入土為安時;就與關愛這樣說:「愛愛"今日我與你告別 ; 但好多謝你一路上伴著我成長,帶給我很多歡樂 ! 雖然我們大家都是殘障,但是我們卻沒因殘廢而自怨自艾,自暴自棄,反比其他的人來說;我們的內心世界比他們更充實,更積極和滿足!如果你同意的話:「愛愛"! 今日我想在你的墓穴上加多兩個字 ; 就是「無限」。意思是:「你的價值是無限的。」倘若今日我能返回昔日的狗店時(我會與店主人說):「其實我當日幫你買下的那頭狗仔,又點祇值 HK$300.00 ! 雖然牠是跛的,連牠的舉動都是與正常的狗不同,但牠肯克服錯敗直到今日成長 ! 比起其他正常的動物更發放出生命異彩 - 牠真的是大家一個典範呀!那又何只值 HK$300.00!」最後,少主人說完就將關愛無限"四個字刻在狗的墓穴上面 ; (送給他剛離世的這頭狗) 為這棵小生命寫上一個句號。  



故事主旨 : 

每當人遇到逆境時 ; 我們需要學習積極地去面對,不可輕易放棄,這才是生命的真正意義。在少主人的心目中,這頭狗的生命價值永遠是”無價”的 !
既然殘障的生命亦能發放出生命的異彩,那麼我們若擁有完整的身驅時 ; 就應活得更彩精及更有意義價值 ! 

總結 : 本文主以論述殘障少主人與狗一起活出生命的意義和價值。除了日常行動外 ; 少主人卻沒因殘障而與正常人有分別,他反而於成長中學懂如何去關愛,珍惜眼前及發揮逆境自強的精神,更將人類的生命價值延伸至最高的 “無價”層面。他對生命的憧憬及積極的人生態度,確是我們一個大好的榜樣 。
生命、學習、 成長 之 “正向增值法” 講座內容。
版權所有 未經許可 複印必究


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2014/01/17 18:52:23
Hats off to wheveor wrote this up and posted it.
2014/01/16 19:04:23
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2014/01/02 18:10:56
Что будет приятно получить генеральному директору на новый год 2014
<p>Каждый день все сильнее приближает нас к любимому празднику – Новому году. Выбор подарков очень увлекательное, а вместе с тем и очень кропотливое занятие. Не стоит откладывать такое на последний момент, особенно если хотите успеть купить хороший презент для шефа.</p>
<p>Разнообразие подарков поражает: дорогие и дешевые, официальные и нестандартные практичные и непринужденные. Если знать самые простые правила покупки подарков, то сделать правильный выбор не составит большого труда.</p>
<p>Помните, что презент для руководителя должен иметь определенный статус, поэтому дарите подарок от всего коллектива. Снижение расходов и решение вопроса выбора вам обеспечены. Если бюджет небольшой – поищите недорогой вариант, но избегайте даже намека на дешевизну.</p>
<p><h3>Необычные подарки</h3></p>
<p>Хотите удивить директора – необычный подарок ваш выбор. Помните о чувстве меры. Совершенно точно не нужно выбирать подарок в лавке приколов. Далеко не каждый директор действительно оценит подобные презенты. Лучше преподнесите ему в знак уважения [url=http://www.padarunak.ru/cat32/]Ножи SOG[/url], которое можно подобрать под общий стиль офиса.</p>
<p><h3>Практичные подарки</h3></p>
<p>Используйте для выбора деловой этикет. Но все таки ручки и ежедневники приберегите для клиентов.</p>
<p>Возьмите на вооружение: элементы декора, дорогой держатель для галстука или запонки, напольные или [url=http://www.padarunak.ru/cat55/]Ножи Muela[/url], полезные гаджеты для компьютера.</p>
<p><h3>Подарки по увлечениям</h3><p>
<p>Если вы знаете, чем увлекается ваш руководитель – самое время использовать эти данные. Такое внимание со стороны коллектива, безусловно, порадует любого руководителя.<p>
<p>Коллекционер с радостью примет очередной экземпляр – [url=http://www.padarunak.ru/cat50/]Метеостанции[/url], книголюбу понравится любимая книга, выпущенная ограниченным тиражом, а если директор увлечен бильярдом, то обязательно обрадуется новому кию из ценной древесины.<p>
<p>Правильно выбранный подарок сможет не только порадовать директора, но и укрепит отношения в коллективе. Удачного выбора!<p>
2014/01/01 08:06:14
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2013/12/27 06:51:36
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2013/12/24 12:22:44
Секции сноуборда в Москве
Надежда сноубордов

Традиционный Развал Сноуборды: Традиционные выпуклые сноуборды имеют профиля перевернутой U. Таким образом, когда вы лежали плашмя, средней части поднимается через земли. Это первоначальная фасон для сноубордов и существует по этот день. Традиционные сноуборды развала доставить наибольшее протест, точность края, и оснастки.

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Плоские Апогей Сноуборды: Помещение развала именно то, сколько это звучит точно: плоские. Вы заложить сноуборд плоским и профиль довольно работать для одном уровне с землей всего с кончиков слегка приподнял. Помещение развала дает вам больше поплавок, чем традиционные развала, только меньше, чем рокер. То же самое касается характеристики управляемости: он сидит между традиционной развала и rockered. Плоские выпуклые сноуборды, ровно закон, самый быстрый.

Гибридные Сноуборды: Гибридные сноуборды сочетание любых разве всех перечисленных выше типов рокера. Это, возможно, наиболее универсальные сноуборды для рынке. Они сочетают в себе лучшие характеристики каждой формы в один сноуборд. Они были бы ваши "Джек-из-все руки" сноуборды.

Направленные Сноуборды: Направленные сноуборды имеют позицию, которая снижение с к центру, оставляя вас с более длинным носом и коническим хвост. [url=http://snowboardlife.ru/index.php]прокат сноубордов[/url] Это стандартная форма для сноубордов. Он предлагает наибольший контроль устойчивости всех форм.

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Направленные Твин Сноуборды: Направленные близнецы сноуборды в основном близнецы с пониженной позиции. [url=http://snowboardlife.ru/gornolyzhnyy-otdyh/]прокат горных лыж[/url] Вы получаете такую ??же стабильность через направленных сноубордов с характеристиками коммутатора, подобных двойника. Направленные близнецы являются стандартом ради всех-горного фристайла.
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2013/12/18 10:14:48
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Fendi (Fendi) at the Milan Fashion Week Spring 2014 clothes line. This season the show is filled with enjoyable colors, gradient color, layered and three-dimensional perspective stitching and also other elements. Indispensable fur embellishment on bags and accessories, neither heavy and highlight the luxury. Fendi this season invite you to come to a full romantic spring. Author

2013/12/04 01:20:28
レッドウィング ベックマン
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2013/11/28 13:30:06
Web based shops provide you with the most effective high-quality clothes outlet, the very first choice this winter
November 2, Hong Ke brand childrens clothes in Ningbo City, south of Rainbow flagship store. But additionally company-owned flagship shop. Hong Ke Youngsters break the classic marketing and advertising model, joined the emerging notion of experiential consumption, upgraded flagship store clear demarcation in the location boys, girls, area, and her mother hand-made jewelry series location where mom and dad inside a area on able to seek out all the essential child things. Opening day, the retailer launched a wealth of recreational activities, in order that children and parents collectively over five hurdles, awards, activities, the children are actively and enthusiastically, smooth customs clearance. Ningbo Rainbow Hong Ke brand childrens clothing flagship shop grand sail south of Hong Ke brand childrens clothing flagship store grand southern Ningbo Rainbow sail Ningbo Rainbow Hong Ke brand childrens clothing flagship store grand sail south of Hong Ke brand childrens clothing flagship shop grand southern Ningbo [url=http://bcvlissingen.nl/uggs.asp]uggs uitverkoop[/url] Rainbow Hong Ke Children possess a longer sail historical and cultural background, has been adhering to the "quality very first design leading" brand philosophy, dedicated for the development, production and sales of the brand management method. With knitted fabrics, comfortable environment, technology skills, but in addition has been effectively received by buyers interest and help. I believe in the future of Hong Ke development of childrens clothing, will continue to launch fashion, green products, win extra clients alike. Flying dreams, let us a superior future for Hong Ko Children all function together!

2013/10/23 00:49:21
On the net stores deliver one of the best quality clothing outlet, the very first selection this winter
August 19 evening, the Chinese clothes brands joint conference opened Aoshanwan 2013 China (Jimo) international style season curtain how to jump out price tag war swirl toward creativity battlefield? Aoshanwan 2013 China (Jimo) international fashion season series of events brought us new vision "creative manufacturing", "Chinas garment sector, to go the way of creative industry." August 19, China Garment Association executive vice president Chen Dapeng in Aoshanwan 2013 China (Jimo) says around the international fashion season. Meanwhile, the Chinese garment manufacturing exposition, namely fa 路 2013 Aoshanwan Style Forum, 20 events held over exactly the same period. This Fujian manufacturer Cai Datong, is definitely an evangelical, "This is an fundamental direction." He made the clothing organization for decades, however the worst performance final year, "2008 will not acquire export orders, at the least, there's a lot of inquiry, the 2012 inquiry are even less. "predicament he survived in 2008, a big outbreak in 2009 business. So he orders subcontracted to counterparts do, but in 2012 the order himself seldom had their very own production, half of those subcontractors failed. "Bigger and tougher and tougher." He lamented. Very first, find workers, even with workers, rising wages weight about his neck. Meanwhile, costs of raw supplies is high, especially in current years, the vagaries of cotton, but also in order that he suffered terribly. Additionally, the RMB appreciation as well as other problems, but additionally let him worse. "Twenty years ago processing and export a sweater earn $ 30, now only 1 yuan." He said. Because of this, countless corporations have began to migrate. By way of example, if that is definitely produced in Anhui Industrial Park was established, but in addition setup a factory in Vietnam, and Adidas also closed the only ones own factory in China. Nike calendar year under report shows that in 2001, China made 40% of its footwear, ranked very first on the planet, only 13 per cent in Vietnam. In 2005, the Chinese share fell to 36 %, Vietnam rose to 26 percent, ranked second; 2009, China and Vietnam, respectively, using a 36% share of tied for initially; 2010, Vietnams share rose to 37 percent, extra than Chinas 34%. The fact is, the Southeast Asian countries, wages are rising. October 2011, the minimum monthly wage in Vietnam are two,000,000 VND; September 2012 onwards, the minimum month-to-month wage of workers in Cambodia elevated to $ 83 ...... In truth, extended been media reports that the price of undertaking small business in Vietnam as well as other areas to make close to China, "the all round expenses than domestic production is only about 15% reduce." Exactly where the buyer stakeholders says. Significantly more importantly, the long lead occasions, along with the lack of industrial chain, "Take the summer ladies, if two months prior to delivery, the summer season becomes fall, and not for the markets fast response." Similarly, the "small firms try and transfer to the Midwest, but some enterprises as a result of the unfamiliar, had to return to Guangdong. "Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Policy and Regulation Department Banking Min researcher stated. Price on the war has ended. How to do? "China will have to be transformed," UC Riverside professor Vicior.Lippit that regularly cultivate and enhance manufacturing "new comparative benefit." His suggestion is that from the production of principal items, the export of main solutions to production and export of alot more sophisticated and sophisticated items. This calls for a complete seminar industry, starting from a international point of view, redefining "Made in China." Network traction Red Collar mass customization orders, constantly in the Usa. For the quantity of physique, the U.S. customer information transmitted over the web in to the database, the database has five trillion data, and client information mapping. Portion 35 in Qingdao, workstations, could be straight connected together with the database, and based on buyer information around the corresponding version of your type to be adjusted, and after that reduce by way of the automatic cutting device straight. And hanging in the workshop online, without the need of a costume could be the very same style, identical color, though the individual from the initial design to final garment distribution only seven days. Professionals think that, after years of OEM manufacturing practice, people from Red Collar "set code" and "semi-custom", into a customized custom design and style from the "Blue Ocean", and in "handmade haute couture" and "pure manual measurement to increase industrial production ", the out of the" identifying client requirements - personalized style and verify - biggest producer of customized production - contemporary logistics rapidly delivery "of the new road. Its secret would be the "worlds Suit Premium Suppliers platform." Based on reports, through this platform, clients can full every single terminal to express their requirements, recognize buyer demands by way of red collar, personalized style, and rapidly understand delivery basis is supply chain integration capabilities. "This just isn't just a computer software system, not just a set of optimization and upgrading of equipment, but a advertising alter mode, and also a company management disruptive innovation," stated Deputy Chairman Zhang red collar, from the demand has begun, subdivision market, a modify in the previous practice of corporate sales, Mr. postpartum, red collar can be straight facing a single consumer, not merely eliminates specific commercial sectors, but also with consumers, fabric suppliers profit sharing, forming a new value chain of ecological civilization. "Opens having a digital custom customized clothes is red collar core competitiveness." Zhang agency stated. Certainly, this can be the facts age, the industrial transformation of a case. Professionals believe that the ongoing third industrial revolution, among its characteristics is in the significant quantities of standardized production to mass customization for your personalized mass production, mass customization could be the only way to adapt to the improvement of new manufacturing, agile production, personalization production of crucial approaches. The "mass customization may be the data, unitized or modular, very flexible, and rigid substantial production line is completely different." China National Garment Association, deputy director of your Science and Technology Committee of Professionals Wen Lik Sang said. According to reports, the use of 3D CAT / CAD / CAM garment speedy generation method that may quickly receive human data, and can be subdivided measurement website so as to establish the body size on the database. Within the human physique includes a tremendous database, men and women is going to be much more standardized platform design and style, but by reproducing the "live", interactive three-dimensional style, and lastly produce clothes clothing pattern pieces. Xia Donghua University lecturer in the "Web-based E-MTM Guys customized fast production knowledge system", also created its personal course of action, the very first three-dimensional body scanner for information collection physique, when shoppers inside the web page selection of types . Then, the technique completes the fundamental pattern, and create personalized pattern. Subsequently, the technique loads the customer dimensional virtual mannequin, apparel and total virtual simulation suture. At this point, the consumer can see a virtual dress [url=http://www.aaphilippines.org/index.htm]moncler jacken[/url] costume effect, if fitting satisfaction, client can officially customization. System may also save the pattern to begin cutting and production. On the other hand, orders for shops, the "use of pull replenishment as an alternative to the standard push." Industrial Management Institute of Software program Engineering Investigation and Style Center Director Han Yongsheng quickly fa 路 2013 Aoshanwan Style Forum stated. He believes that the whole supply chain to take "the drums - Buffer - Rope + dynamic buffer stock" management model. Retailer sales like ruled the whole supply chain operations from the drums, the drums extends from a rope the rope touches all aspects from the provide chain replenishment action. How quite a few sales outlets, all elements of techniques to fill though dynamically adjust inventory levels, neither out of st

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